The Sign

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The Sign is a character added in The Ascent of Isaac: Godmode.

He can be unlocked by defeating Angelusossa.pngThe Fallen Light Secret Final Phase.

He doesn't start with any item but he has Flight. His stats and starting hearts change depending on a very special factor. Look out below for more information.

The main gimmick of this character is his unusual way of shooting tears as they move towards him from a distance.

How to Unlock and Upgrade

To Unlock this character, you need to defeat Angelusossa.pngThe Fallen Light Secret Final Phase: The Sign itself. The Sign only appears if Isaac has the Wikihover Purity vessel 0.png Vessel of Purity or one of its cracked forms upon defeating The Fallen Light. To get the Vessel of Purity, Isaac needs to find a Wikihover Masked Statue.png Masked Statue in the Ivory Palace's Secret Room.png Secret Room. Isaac then needs to bomb the statue 3 times, each time spawning a wave of enemies to defeat. When the 3 waves have been defeated, an angel baby akin to Wikihover Late delivery.png Late Delivery appears to spawn the Vessel of Purity. After that comes the hardest part, which is to reach and defeat The Fallen Light, taking less than 3 hits along the way or else the Vessel of Purity is destroyed, locking the player from seeing the secret final phase. If Isaac succeeds, after being dragged in the hole, The Fallen Light's head resurfaces and reveals The Sign, destroying the head and starting the fight.
The first time you defeat The Sign unlocks him, each subsequent defeat will empower him as described below.

Abilities & Traits


  • The Sign will grows more powerful depending of how many times you defeated Angelusossa.pngThe Fallen Light's Secret Final Phase after having unlocked him, regardless of the characters you played with.
  • The Stats changed by how many times you defeat the final boss' secret final phase are Hearts and Damage. The Sign gets more hearts and less Damage each time. The stats change as follow:
Final phase clears Hearts Damage
SoulHeart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
SoulHeart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
SoulHeart.png SoulHeart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
SoulHeart.png SoulHeart.png Broken Heart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
SoulHeart.png SoulHeart.png SoulHeart.png
Broken Heart.png Broken Heart.png
HUD heart soul eternal.png SoulHeart.png SoulHeart.png

Attracted Tears

  • The Sign fires tears backwards. That means tears start from far away in the direction he's facing and comes towards him.
    • The distance at which tears appear depends of The Sign's Range.
  • Tears speed depends heavily of The Sign's movement when he's firing.
    • Tears move slower if The Sign moves towards where he's facing and faster if he moves away from that direction.
  • On impact, tears burst into 4 small tears.




  • Removes all the Broken Hearts.
  • Removes the x0.25 speed penalty.
  • Adds a Soul Heart.

Unlockable Achievements
